An important social media topic is how you construct the posts. I'll show a few different ones and describe their usefulness. These are written as if they are tweets but they could easily be adapted for other sites.
• If the link in this post is for the landing page, it won't get any clicks because it does't tell the reader anything. Many readers will think it downloads malware and will avoid it.
• Check it out! This one is slightly better. It has a Call to Action, But few will click on it for the same reason mentioned in the first post.
• Check it out! #romance #humor. This one is much better because it adds a few hashtags to tell the reader what the link is about. (more on hashtags a bit later).
• Check it out! (Hook line from blurb) #romance #humor (cover image). This one is good. It tells the reader a bit more and offers a hint of what they'll find at the link. It also contains an image. Images attract attention. Book covers are ideal to use. This one will get people to visit the landing page.
An important part of social media is hashtags. These are words or phrases preceded by a #. Hashtags are social media talk for keywords. You can add one or two hashtags (or more) to your post so people interested in that hashtag can find it. You can use hashtags on every social media site I know of. If you click on a hashtag in a post, you'll see a list of current posts on that subject.
Some of the hashtags I use are:
There are many, many more hashtags you can employ. The great thing about hashtags is that it expands the number of people who will see your post.