As a new author, you have to face the fact your book is published in the 21st century. Readers search for and find books by using the internet. Readers also search the internet for information about authors. The implication of these statements is that you need to use social media in your marketing activities. However . . .
Social media does not sell books. It never has and it never will. The purpose of social media is to deliver visitors to your landing page. When you strip away all the jargon social media sites use, all it does is show your post or ad to site users. These views are called impressions and if the viewer uses the link in your post or ad, you collected a click. See? Social media is simple. 😜
What social media sites you use is a personal choice. So is exactly how you use each site. Some sites prefer text posts, others short video clips or brief audio tracks,
An entire library of books have been written on how to use social media. It’s a vastly complicated field and beyond the scope of my set of templates. Understand this about social media sites: they are not interested in helping you sell books. They are interested in making money.
Keep that in mind as you go about your marketing activities.