Use this list to tell your beta readers what type of feedback you’re interested in receiving. Modify the list if appropriate. Much of this list can from
- Was the writing style engaging?
- Did the book hold your interest? If not, why not?
- Did the logical development work for you? If not, where did break down?
- Did reading this feel like listening to a friend talking?
- When did you become hooked? Was the opening page intriguing? Was the end satisfying
- Did the book keep your attention? When were you bored? Where did it flag?
- Where were you confused?
- What parts could be cut out? What needs to be expanded upon?
- Were the “next steps” clear, practical, and useful? (Ask this with self-help books.)
- What contradictions, inconsistencies, or events out of sequence did you see?
- What did you like most about this book? What did you like least?
- What pet phrases, glaring typos, or repeated grammar errors do you see?
- Did the chapter titles do the book justice? How could they be improved?
- Describe the ideal reader for this book? Who would you recommend buy the book?